Day 3: The Mystery of Being Satisfied by God
John 4:4-9,31-35
1. Food: physical need that is real and direct
1) Satisfaction through faith in His promise
2) Realise a higher need = will of God
3) Experience real satisfaction from the Holy Spirit
4) Open up great Doors of Evangelism
2. Doing the will of God
Ro 12:1-2
Ro 14:17
1) Wage War against the devil to know (hate) him - flesh, world
2) Till The Truth Lives In You
Pray till:
(1) Make Christ Saviour of your lives (kingship)
(2) Have the kingdom as our concern
(3) Will of God to be clear
(4) Careful obedience
(5) Righteousness, peace and joy in the Spirit
Righteousness = Way of the gospel
E.g. Spousal living, E.g. Church = Make JX King
3. Kingdom will come! (On earth as it is in heaven)
1) Poor in Spirit, Broken and contrite
2) Yearn being persecuted (suffer loss because of righteousness)
3) Strong Brethren
4) Gospel Culture