In this episode, we’re going to be discussing how to pivot your career with the help of a blog.
You may be asking yourself, can I really change careers by just starting a blog? And the answer is yes. The reason I know this is because I did it. I was able to make a huge pivot and drastically change careers because I started
Prior to starting my blog, I hated my job. I was unhappy when I went to work and I was unhappy when I went home. It was emotionally and physically draining and it was affecting my quality of life.
So, to help take my mind off work, I started a blog. Now, I didn’t start my blog to change careers but little did I know, it would play a huge part in helping me land my dream job.
This podcast is not only going to walk you through some of the steps you should take if you’ve been considering a new career path, but it’s also going to show you how a blog can help you pivots careers as well. By the end of this podcast, you’ll have a unique roadmap for navigating your way to a new and exciting career.