Think about it, something has been designed. We have been creating the experience for a while now and now it's time to hit print. Once you do, remember that what you'd get is exactly what was designed. The printing process will never give you something that is outside of the design. Never! Any smart person would agree that if you want to get a nice print, you'd have to ensure that the design has been fixed properly.
Everyday, we get to live out our predominant design and this is the reason why God wants us to be very sure about the life He has designed for us so that when we produce what we have on the inside into our world, it looks exactly like the consciousness that God put in place, during your time of mediation and indoctrination. So many times, before we hit the print button, we want to check to be sure that the design is exactly what we want to see.
Join us as we premiere our all-new episode, HIT PRINT- embracing the abundance that God has designed for our lives, ensuring that we continue to capture that experience and believe in it, in order to produce the same experience in our lives.