Devin closes out Season 3 by interviewing four seniors scheduled to graduate next week: Matthew Bunn, Varad Gurude, Carly Rauch, and Sara Meehan.
In our final episode, we wanted to offer advice to rising seniors to help get the most out of their last year as an undergraduate. The wisdom our guests today shared with us includes:
Surface-level networking vs. building lasting professional relationships.
The crossroads between biomedical engineering and public health awareness.
Startup advice for students.
How to know when to take an opportunity.
The connection between dentistry and biomedical engineering.
Embracing something you know is going to challenge you.Season 4 of The BME Grad Podcast will begin this fall. Follow us on X (Twitter) or Instagram @jointbme or @thebmegradpodcast, or find us at to know when the new season begins!