Welcome to our second ever episode of LET'S TORQUE, the Brand new podcast to hit your screens from Broke Boys TV in 2020.
In the coming weeks we will be speaking to Youtubers, Influencers, Brand Owners, Car Owners, Fashionistas and others about their lives and journeys and what it is that they do and love!
Make Sure you subscribe to the channel for weekly podcasts and info on whats to come!
IN THIS WEEKS EPISODE... We speak with brand owner Dan Tetlow about his wiper delete company @Kill_all_wipers and his brand new business venture @labgeeksdetailing and how he went from sofa surfing to a 6 figure business.
The Kill all Wipers Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSQe_xfvplIewUQDhnA5B8A
Instagram: @kill_all_wipers - @labgeeksdetailing
Websites: www.killallwipers.com - www.labgeeksdeatilingcom
Our Website: www.brokeboysuk.co.uk
The instagram: @brokeboysuk
Our Car Show: Broke Boys at the Farm 4
Date: 28/06/20
Location: The Warwickshire Event Centre