GET WRITING! with Karen Rowe
The Writer’s Circle of Champions
My guest this Tuesday is Charmaine Hammond, an international speaker, and bestselling award winning author. She describes herself as an accidental author... She hadn't really thought about writing a book however, her dog Toby gave her so much to write about, she wrote a story for Chicken Soup for the Soul. Shortly after that she met a publisher who wanted to turn Toby's story into a book. She now has three books in the Toby series (2 are for children), a personal development book, GPS Your Best Life co-authored with her dear friend Debra Kasowski, and is featured in five other books. In the past five years she has learned a great deal about writing, the publishing world, and, marketing and selling your books. She loves to share her learnings with authors to help save them from some of the time consuming and costly mistakes and learnings she experienced so you can just get on with writing and sharing your message with the world!
There are many choices authors make about where to spend their time, money and other resources. Charmaine discovered with her first book that you can share your message with more people and impact more lives when you bring on a circle of champions, and corporate partners and sponsors. Charmaine has been successful (and so have her students) in having corporate partners sponsor her presentations, tours, events, and even bulk orders of books to provide to schools, and attendees at her events. From having her clothing sponsored to having hotels host her stay, and having the products she needs like printing, marketing materials and office supplies provided by businesses.
Log onto on Tuesday, December 1st, 2015 at 7:00 pm EST. It’s Time To Get Writing! With Karen Rowe.