Show Topic: Whatever we want it to be
Why is CannaQueen Mad today?
I can’t decide if it’s the audacity or the veneers.
Upcoming Events, Would you Rather:
July is National Hemp Month
July 28 with Elyjah Tribe
Aug 8 is National CBD Day
Would you rather move to a new city or town every week or never be able to leave the city or town you were born in?
Would you rather be completely insane and know that you are insane or completely insane and believe you are sane?
Would you rather get a post card every day from a stranger in a different country or a 10 minute call with anyone in the world you choose once a year?Follow, Like, Subscribe and ShareRoll up and show up with us on Wednesdays at 420mst/520c/620e Tomorrow we will catch up on our busy week and talk about what is going on in the world of cannabis!We can't wait to roll up with you! See you there! Facebook/Twitch/YouTube