James Woosley, Coach & Author
@jameswoosley woosleycoaching.com
James joins us to discuss his book, Conquer the Entrepreneur's Kryptonite, planning vs dreaming, plans vs pipe dreams, how amazing things can come from simple plans, why we need to pull people around us as we grow our business (synergy), how it is ok to risk failure, the SSP (Simple Strategic Plan), how you keep the vision but review and adjust every 3 months (plan, do, review, adjust), and executing your plan in stages.
James has a special bonus for everyone listening at http://conqueryourkryptonite.com/catalyst.
Guest Bio:
Woosley Coaching exists to empower, equip and encourage life and business transformation in the areas of planning and strategy, allowing James's clients to advance boldly in the direction of their dreams and goals.
Want to surround yourself with success?
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Chris Brogan, yes, the one & only Chris Brogan
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Also, a huge THANK YOU for listening to today's show!
Thanks to RonaldJenkees.com for the awesome music!
Motivate | Equip | Lead | Entrepreneurs | Catalyst John