The Christian Working Woman

The Challenge of Faith – 5

03.15.2024 - By Mary LowmanPlay

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What would amaze Jesus Christ? Well, there are two occasions where we’re told Jesus was amazed. Earlier we saw how Jesus was amazed at the faith of the Roman Centurion who asked him to heal his servant. He had great faith in Jesus even though he had little teaching or knowledge of our Lord.

In Mark 6 we see where Jesus was again amazed, but for different reasons.

Jesus left there and went to his hometown, accompanied by his disciples. When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed. ‘Where did this man get these things?’ they asked. ‘What’s this wisdom that has been given him? What are these remarkable miracles he is performing? Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?’ And they took offense at him. Jesus said to them, ‘A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.’ He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. He was amazed at their lack of faith (Mark 6:1-6).

Just think of what they missed because they didn’t believe in Jesus. He wanted to do good things for them, but he couldn’t because of their lack of faith. Mark writes he could not do any miracles there. Their lack of faith made it impossible for Jesus to do miracles in their town.

I wonder today if Jesus is amazed at my faith and at yours? Is he amazed I have faith in him, regardless of the circumstances, regardless of the prospects, even without complete understanding? Do I amaze him with my consistent faith in him and what he can do? Or rather, is he amazed to see that in spite of all I know and all the experience I've had, my faith is still weak and anemic?

How about you? Is Jesus amazed at your strong faith or at your lack of faith?

A.W. Tozer said, “True faith rests upon the character of God and asks no further proof than the moral perfections of the One who cannot lie. Faith is not meritorious; it is simply confidence in the goodness of God, and the lack of it is a reflection upon God’s holy character.”

Having faith in God is not a great virtue for us. It simply says we’ve got enough good sense to trust the God of the universe.

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