Feeling stuck at home and ready for a break? Whether alone, or with loved ones, the feeling of being under house arrest can (and is) wearing on us all. Believe me, being 35 and staying with my parents during the Covid-19 pandemic has been both trying and healing - but I too have needed more in my life... more tools, more self-dedication, more meditation... and the truth is, I honestly have all the time in the world right now to sit with myself in silence and intention. I have zero excuses not to share these resources with you. This this episode. This morning, two people (who are dear to me) reached out, asking me and encouraging me to share more of my insights and practices around meditation and mindfulness. I felt like it was the lightning bolt I needed from the Universe saying, “alright Vanessa. It’s time! Let’s go!” Join me in this (first, raw, tried-editing-it-but-I’m-still-learning) episode where we can do some breathing pranayama together 🙏🏼 sending you love and I sincerely hope it helps.