This weeks spoken word flow birthed through me on a run in Discovery Park last week. The words poured out and here they land, in the gift of your ears. Thank you for listening. I invite you to presently receive the activation that these words bring.
i wonder how these wandering feet
landed me here
as the woman that i am
on the land that i stand
sometimes i wonder
how i got through those heart break and doubts and disbeliefs
the sneaky feeling of not enoughness leaking into every corner of my life
those moments of losing all faith
in something greater
sometimes i wonder how i got through those moments
where i saw no whispering hope
when the walls caved in
and robbed every lick of potential possibility in my life
and i still put on a face that held it all together
but press your hands into my heart in these moments
and you would have felt
the emptiness
and the need to be held in my crumbling
i wonder how i traversed around the world
pioneering down alleys and unmarked roads
meeting new parts of myself
as this world gifted me her full
and in my wondering
i am moved by grace
at the grace
that has moved me into the pull that is my life.