Ian Beckman of BigSirGames joins Rob and Kee-Won to talk about their Kickstarter for upcoming indie title ‘Cosmo’s Quickstop’. We learn about the ins and outs of running an interstellar service station, from helping customers to cleaning the glorp room in this hilarious ‘anxiety simulator’. Ian shares the prototype process that led them to their current idea, how he became a programmer, and how they created a unique, visually appealing look for Cosmos Quickstop. We learn their strategy for reaching out to streamers to demo their game and some of the fun rewards on their Kickstarter, and learn what fuels the Big Sir Games team (coffee, Red Bull, and Red Bull & Vodkas). A fun and tangent filled episode! Please check out the Kickstarter for Cosmo’s Quickstop here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1645761535/cosmos-quickstop