We are now entering the Age of the Artist, in this episode Chloe Metcalf talks about inspiration ripples and the power of wonder and beauty.
no longer are we looping in the hero's journey but the collective is moving into the age of the artist to inspire uplift and evolve humanity.
"I truly feel we are entering the age of the artist that our world no longer evolves physically but mentally and emotional evolution is what is coming for us next this feeling of death and rebirth is this. we are being called to the artist path and this will take humanity to its next evolutionary phase of our journey.
Okay I know that sounds a bit out there, but what brings healing other than reflection, inspiration and wonder? to the artists out there reserve the self judgements on your creations you do not know the butterfly effect and ripples through out time and space you will make just by creating what you feel called to create." - Chloe Metcalf
to connect with Chloe on Instagram @chloemanifest