Sometimes You Must Create What You Want To Be Part Of.
So this episode I am bring you my spiritual belief and explain what I have developed to do so.
The Essential Way - A Foundation For Peace
While conveying the Seven Elements of the Essential Way - Calmness, Compassion, Kindness, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Love and Mindfulness
I believe in a higher source, but also believe engaging in this journey does not mean we have to take a vow of silence, or celibacy. We do not have to walk humbly with our heads down reciting quite words of scripture. Being spiritual dos not mean you have to be boringly serious. It does not mean you cannot live open and free, be child like, laugh and enjoy a glass of wine, get lost in good music or stand frozen in the majestic beauty of a heart-warming sunrise. I am a seeker of a higher consciousness and I do so in the manner of a Quasi Spiritual Warrior. I do not practice, I am. It is my mindset. It is the true Who, of Who I am.
I have no Concern what your religious beliefs are. They are yours and I respect that. I do not think there should be so many rules in religion, and a spiritual belief has no room for ego and control. I am an advocate of non-segregated religion. My spirituality, my belief in a higher Source is something that flows through me each and every day and is not restricted to a weekend workshop. My spiritual beliefs have simply been minimalized and even segregated from the norm, and in the simplification have been purified into the Essential Way.
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