Emily Davidson, noted friend of the Khyber, joins us to talk about her group's efforts to save 1588 Barrington Street from indifferent city staff who wanted the historic arts incubator sold off as surplus. Then, writer and artist Kate Leth calls in from Califonia reminisce on her stange adventure from local illustrator to comic book superhero. Plus, HALIFAX buys itself a bold brand, the new library finally opens, NSCAD gets a fountain of money (but loses a micro-gallery) and something called the Ivany report is released.
The Coast presents: 25 for 25. A year-by-year audio archive. Through the lens of the city’s alt-weekly, editors Jacob Boon and Tara Thorne bring you the stories that shaped Halifax over the past quarter-century.
The Coast Twitter: @TwitCoast
The Coast (online) thecoast.ca
Tara Thorne twitter: @thorneyhfx
Jacob Boon twitter: @RWJBoon