Welcome to the Comfort Corner Podcast. Angeline the founder of Ohana ZERO Suicide joins us to share the story of Ohana Zero Suicide & the work she and the team do day in day out to help normalise the conversation around Suicide.
Angeline shares all the need to know information about the free training they provide for anyone over the age of 18 to part take. The free training is provided as a means of educating oneself in the case of an emergency in which somebody they love or care for are feeling suicidal. During our chat Angeline described it as a first aid kit for Suicide prevention which I echo. They have a lovely phrase that summarises their purpose. ‘Show you Care, Ask the Question, Make the Call.’
I personally completed the training from the comfort of my own home at my own time. It took me no more then 20 minutes to complete & provided me with so much guidance. In fact shortly after completing the free training. I had to put what I learned into practice. When you complete the training you receive an online certificate to share on social media or to keep for yourself.
Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in this modern world. It's something that many people are afraid to talk about. However this past year has shown the challenges that many people are facing and for some they feel the only option is to end their life. However that is not the case, people just like the team at Ohana ZERO Suicide are endlessly finding ways to help support & shine a light for those experiencing the darkness. It's with gratitude that I share this insightful episode with you and hope that you find comfort in knowing that if life right now is challenging you. Remember you are not alone.
I would also like this opportunity to thank Angeline for sharing her time with us and for all she & the team at Ohana ZERO Suicide do for individuals Nationwide.
You can find all the information about the training & additional information via Instagram @ohana_zero_suicide by clicking the link in their bio.
If you would like to see more of the Comfort Corner Podcast you can do so via @amysblogsandvlogs on instagram also if you would like to share photos of you're certificates I & the team at Ohana ZERO Suicide would love to see them. For now I hope you have an amazing week. Lots of love & comfort.