Featured editor: Michelle Bourbonniere, Edited by Michelle
Feeling daunted by the thought of SEO? ‘Search Engine Optimisation’ for your website can sound complicated and like it’s only for technical types. There are several things you can do to help your website to appear near the top of online search results (that’s the point of SEO) but, actually, is SEO the most important thing you need to be doing right now?
Many editors tell me they have to get their websites ‘right’ before they launch their services — so much so that they spend their time on creating content and fiddling with their site, hiding away from the outreach needed to find clients quickly.
My guest is a freelance editor who specialises in SEO and does keyword research and content planning for her clients. But Michelle also maintains a great perspective on what place SEO has in your marketing mix.
In this episode we discuss how SEO is a long-term strategy, and how having the best optimised site isn’t going to get you clients overnight. It’s important to connect with people beyond the website.
Until your website brings in results from your work on SEO, being active on social media and via email with your audience gets your website out there and builds that ‘know, like and trust’ factor.
Mentioned in this episode:
Take a look back at our episode with Yael Keon, email marketing expert Ep039: How can email marketing benefit my editing business?
Michelle’s training on keywords and Google Search Console Training videos https://editedbymichelle.com/editboost
If you want to find more clients, earn more money and have more free time, check out ‘Boost Your Editing Income’, my e-course and group coaching program.