Ryan Margolin is a business leader and entrepreneur who has sold over $40 million of products globally. Over the course of his career, he has taken on seemingly impossible projects, creating value by looking at them from a different perspective than everyone else. Ryan has worked in more than 15 countries and excels at connecting the dots for success. His expertise lies in his ability to quickly formulate simple, realistic strategies that create value from what others think are dead ends. He currently owns and runs several companies that deal in distribution, wholesale, retail, and e-commerce and earn between 6 and 8 figures a year, respectively.
Having received his master’s degree in Digital Marketing in Dublin, Ireland, he applied all that he had learned to his companies, which resulted in expanding the manufacturing capabilities of one of those businesses tenfold. One of his companies is Professional Hair Labs, which he runs with his brothers and has helped make it one of the top businesses in the industry. In fact, it is the #1 Choice of Hair Replacement Professionals as well as the World Leader in Cosmetic Bonding.
Established in 1994, Professional Hair Labs manufactures cosmetic bonding adhesives, shampoos, scalp treatments, skincare, and cleansers for the hair and beauty industry. The company was founded to bring safe and effective solutions for non-surgical hair replacement to the market. Since then, it has created the most popular brand of cosmetic bonding adhesives in the market, Ghostbond. Using the same principle and methodologies, Professional Hair Labs now manufactures cosmetic products for many companies globally, including skin care, hair care, body care, self-tanning, sanitizers, etc. For nearly three decades, this business has become a trusted industry leader with manufacturing facilities in Ireland and the US.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryanmargolin/?originalSubdomain=ie Website: https://www.prohairlabs.com/
I'm excited to announce that my book Lifetime to Legacy launched on June 21st! The book is all about how to take your family business from a lifetime business to a legacy business. To order you may buy on Amazon here