The mental health community is in trouble due to state policies and procedures. Psychology majors are not being utilized appropriately and social workers are providing mental health care without the proper educational background/knowledge. Psychology majors, however, are often found in careers such as advertising and marketing, creating ways to manipulate the masses to spend more money. Psychology majors are found creating job placement tests that identify exactly who the person is before they ever step foot inside an office. The mental health community is struggling, but it wouldn't be if psychology majors were utilized effectively. Most psychology majors leave college with an equivalent of a 6 year degree and spends the majority of their college time studying the mind and behaviors of humans, so why aren't they providing mental health services? Why are people who have the equivalent of a 2 year psychology degree qualified to treat and prescribe patients medication, yet have zero inclination to what the medication actually does to an individual, in fact, the mental health field has turned into a trial and error field with no room for error... it doesn't make sense. But it does when you follow the WHY.... $$ how can someone's profit margin increase in today's economy? Manipulation, impulse shopping and using human behavior against the consumer.
Everyone deserves to heal
EVERYONE DESERVES to have an equal opportunity to excel in life and the only way to do that is to gain control of your mental health.
Physical health is not as important as mental health, it's less important. I have seen miracles happen so long that someone believed that it was possible, they never had to even bat an eyelash, they just had to know it was possible to accomplish and it happened. SO, why is society so jacked up today... probably because unqualified people are treating mental health and shouldn't be, lets put a stop to this! It is against your HUMAN RIGHTS to live in a society like this. EVERYONE has a right to develop their personality without infringement upon their liberties, this includes PROPER MENTAL HEALTH care. Stand up for your rights and YOUR healing process... YOU MATTER TOO.
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