This is a special episode where CP Bey of the Elevation Room on Clubhouse leads and facilitates a unique discussion about erecting governing structures using corporations. This is a much deeper discussion about remedy and involves an entire nation of people who are specifically seeking birthright remedies. Grumpy is also a driving force in this discussion as he assisted us in drawing out the substance of the subject for even more edification.
Reese is a regular in the Elevation Room and is working with it's contributors and partners to build social and economic infrastructures that can feasibly be used for individual and corporate remedies for indigenous tribes and people.
Our mission is to use our organizational force to enforce the laws governing the birthright of our people using the prescribed administrative enforcement provisions in international treaty law. This is why we perform audits on corporations of all types.
Check out more segments from this build by subscribing to this podcast for only $25 to learn professional, university level education on administrative law and enforcement.