Got confidence?
In this podcast episode, I’m chatting about dismantling the myth that confidence is solely associated with male and patriarchal attributes such as assertiveness, boldness, and even aggressiveness. Instead, I discuss my own journey of steering away from the conventional definition of confidence, and re-defining my own brand of “quiet” confidence as a working woman and mom.
This episode covers research concepts such as the confidence bias and the confidence gap, digging into how these affect the perception of confidence for and by working women and moms.
In this episode, I discuss re-defining confidence as working women and moms by 1) confronting our own confidence bias, 2) discovering our own “zone of confidence”, and 3) embodying what confidence means for and to us as working women.
Listen in!
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PS: Keep you eye out for our new back-to-school planner (soon to come)!
To Your Success,
The Corporate Sister.