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A Lutheran pastor and a Lutheran layman journey together through the text of Scripture, one book at a time.... more
FAQs about The Count It All Joy Show:How many episodes does The Count It All Joy Show have?The podcast currently has 100 episodes available.
August 28, 2014Episode 62 – Ezekiel 28:20-30:19More Ezekiel was discussed, focusing on the judgement of Egypt – for which Pastor got to draw on his experience visiting Egypt years ago. In the Inquisition, Thomas asked Pastor to talk about the Coptic Christians in Egypt, and Pastor asked Thomas what makes a sermon… well: meh....more58minPlay
August 21, 2014Episode 61 – Ezekiel 27:1-28:19Pastor and Thomas continued through Ezekiel and talked at length about the ancient city of Tyre. In the Inquisition, Thomas asked Pastor to expound on the idea of “sabbath rest”. Then, Pastor asked Thomas for his opinion on how church attendance gets prioritized these days....more58minPlay
August 07, 2014Episode 60 – 5 Stages of DeceptionPastor took a vacation, so Thomas is all alone for this installment, which was on the 5 stages of successful deception. If you’re interested in learning about the initiation and progression of deception, and what that looks like, this is for you. If not, listen anyway – you just might get something out of it […]...more31minPlay
July 31, 2014Episode 59 – Ezekiel 25:1-26:21Pastor and Thomas went through Ezekiel chapters 25 and 26, dealing with the judgements God through Ezekiel proclaimed against the nations surrounding Judah. In the Inquisition, Pastor was tasked with talking about the history of the falling of nations and what we should take away from such events. Thomas was asked to discuss the difference […]...more59minPlay
July 24, 2014Episode 58 – Ezekiel 24:1-27After an (unannounced) two week hiatus, we knocked out chapter 24 of Ezekiel. In the Inquisition, Thomas asked Pastor about why there is to be solemnity for the death of Ezekiel’s wife and the “death” of Jerusalem when Christ weeps for Lazarus. Pastor asked Thomas about Christian approaches to the “border crisis” and a follow-up discussion on […]...more56minPlay
June 26, 2014Episode 56 – Ezekiel 23:1-49We tackled chapter 23 of Ezekiel. In the Inquisition, Thomas was asked about the Sudanese woman (Meriam Ibrahim Ishag) and if she should verbally deny the faith to save her life. Pastor was asked a listener question about the relationship of fear and love....more55minPlay
June 19, 2014Episode 55 – Ezekiel 22:1-31In this edition we got through chapter 22 of Ezekiel. In the Inquisition, Pastor talked about several hypothetical marriage counseling situations, such as a couple from different denominational or religious backgrounds. Thomas was asked questions about the subject of free will....more55minPlay
June 12, 2014Episode 54 – Ezekiel 21:1-32We are back in the saddle, continuing forward with the book of Ezekiel. It was kind of a grab bag of observations on chapter 21, and in the Inquisition Pastor asked Thomas about what category of statements made by Christians online annoys him most, and Thomas asked Pastor about the value of fiction and fantasy....more57minPlay
June 05, 2014Episode 53 – The Church CalendarIn what is hopefully our last episode before getting back to “normal”, Pastor goes through the different seasons of the Church year in a solo program....more24minPlay
May 29, 2014Episode 52 – Public Discourse (why so shrill-ious?)This was going to be a bonus episode, but things ended up getting in the way of recording, so we decided it would take the place of a regular episode. In it, we sit down in Pastor’s office and talk about whether or not the religious (and political, and pretty much you name it) conversations […]...more12minPlay
FAQs about The Count It All Joy Show:How many episodes does The Count It All Joy Show have?The podcast currently has 100 episodes available.