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A Lutheran pastor and a Lutheran layman journey together through the text of Scripture, one book at a time.... more
FAQs about The Count It All Joy Show:How many episodes does The Count It All Joy Show have?The podcast currently has 100 episodes available.
February 03, 2014Sermon: Luke 2:22-32 (February 2nd, 2014)The Sermon* for the Presentation of Jesus at Zion Lutheran Church in Lahoma, OK. _____________ *Text versions available at Pastor’s blog....more13minPlay
January 30, 2014Episode 35 – Ezekiel 8:1-9:2Back into Ezekiel, we discussed the nature of the syncretistic worship being practiced by the Israelites at the temple in Ezekiel’s day. For the Inquisition, Pastor was asked about the Oklahoma State Legislature’s discussion on turning marriage over to churches and ceasing civil weddings, or something. Thomas talked about his position in the hubbub surrounding […]...more58minPlay
January 27, 2014Sermon: Matthew 8:1-13 (January 26th, 2014)The Sermon* for the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany at Zion Lutheran Church in Lahoma, OK. _____________ *Text versions available at Pastor’s blog....more14minPlay
January 23, 2014Episode 34 – Ezekiel 7We took on Ezekiel chapter 7 in the first half. Then, in the second half, we talked about the Bill Nye vs. Ken Ham debate coming up in February, and whether the Incarnation violates God’s immutability....more57minPlay
January 20, 2014Sermon: John 2:1-11 (January 19th, 2014)The Sermon* for the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany at Zion Lutheran Church in Lahoma, OK. _____________ *Text versions available at Pastor’s blog....more13minPlay
January 16, 2014Episode 33 – Ezekiel 6In this episode we went through Ezekiel chapter 6 – the “idolatry” chapter – in its entirety in the first half of the program. Then, in the second half, we discussed the Satan statue proposed for the Oklahoma state capitol lawn, the American civil religion, discrimination, and yes, more on idolatry!...more56minPlay
January 12, 2014Sermon: Matthew 3:12-17 (January 12th, 2014)The Sermon* for the 1st Sunday after Epiphany at Zion Lutheran Church in Lahoma, OK. _____________ *Text versions available at Pastor’s blog....more13minPlay
January 09, 2014Episode 32 – Ezekiel 5:11-17Back at it again, in this episode we finish out Ezekiel chapter 5! Then, in the Inquisition, Thomas first named the top 3 apologists of the 20th/21st centuries he could off the top of his head, and then Pastor discussed baptism, including such elements as why some (Reformed, Baptist, and Reformed Baptist) folks get mad […]...more56minPlay
January 05, 2014Sermon: Matthew 2:1-12 (January 5th, 2014)The Sermon* for the Epiphany at Zion Lutheran Church in Lahoma, OK. _____________ *Text versions available at Pastor’s blog....more13minPlay
January 02, 2014Episode 31 – Year In ReviewWe’re taking some time off, so this episode is a medley of 12 clips from episodes we’ve done in the past year. If you’ve listened to us in that time – we appreciate it! And if you’re thinking about tuning in to us as your new year’s resolution, this is a great way to start! […]...more58minPlay
FAQs about The Count It All Joy Show:How many episodes does The Count It All Joy Show have?The podcast currently has 100 episodes available.