Renee Omolade is a co-founder of We Are The Ones. We Are the Ones (WATO) is a coalition of young people striving to create positive social change in communities of color. We are teachers, students, entrepreneurs, blacktivists, artists, bloggers and community organizers who are providing resources, educating and, ultimately, tapping into the success of young people. WATO serves as a "for the youth, by the youth," initiative to get young people fired up about social change. We are committed to promoting excellence for young people in the urban neighborhoods of Boston by advocating for the eradication of anything that threatens their ability to achieve that excellence. "We cannot wait on our Martin. We cannot wait on our Malcolm. We are the ones we have been waiting for", reads our slogan. WATO is not waiting for change in the community; we are bound and determined to be the change. Learn More at