EPISODE 30- YoUr pAssWOrd Is REaLLy rEaLLy bAD!
Disclaimer: This episode is a lot longer than our usual ones but it has some really great tips and content that we felt needed to stay in it but just a heads up that we dont usually go this long
This week the dads return from a longer than anticipated holiday break to jump right into our multi-episode look at online security! Kicking things off we discuss one of the most critical and often times misunderstood aspects of keeping you and your families information safe: Passwords!
Whether you want to explore setting up a password manager such as LastPass or OnePassword, look at getting a hardware 2 factor authentication device like the YubiKey or just use built in options available from IOS and Google Chrome, everyone should be doing SOMETHING extra when it comes to creating and managing strong passwords.
Lastly, Andrew tells a story about giving out his home address to a shady online website in exchange for .50c screw driver that will almost certainly give him an asbestos rash and then makes the greater mistake of challenging Ryan to see how much personal information he can uncover about him using only his address... GAME ON! We will see what all Ryan can uncover and have Andrew verify all the juicy details on next weeks show!
If you want to do your own research into what all corners of the internet your information may be hiding, here are some good places to start:
https://haveibeenpwned.com/ Put in your email address here and you will be able to see if it appears in the lists of known leaked email addresses tied to major data breaches.
https://namechk.com/ Use this site to search for usernames you frequently use to get a better idea of what all websites you may still have open accounts with.
Finally, here is an excellent article from PC Magazine about closing some widely used accounts: https://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2386458,00.asp
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