Atlas Talisman is a game designer, sensory artist and journeyman developing cross-reality tools of navigation to play life as a game. Bullish on Crypto, DeFi & NFT. Director of Game Designer at
Join DT and Atlas for this riveting conversation about guiding people into the Web 3 reality.
Topics discussed:
1:47 - how Atlas has been trying to get into this space for years and now finally crypto, web 3, metaverse is a culmination of every sweet thing he's done.
4:39 - system, economy and culture of the metaverse.
11:05 - the metaverse is still the wild west, there's still plenty of time to get involved and still be on the forefront. The technological groundwork was laid and now the storytellers and community builders are coming in for this next wave.
17:03 - web 3 is stripping off the artificial layer of control, moving away from centralised power to decentralised systems. Giving more people the opportunity to benefit.
22:55 - how we can author our own economics.
25:17 - how to get involved in web 3 - look at how you can leverage your value, add gamification etc.
29:14 - what Atlas is most excited about, involved with and tracking at the moment.
37:24 - how the metaverse weaves the different layers of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, together.
Where to connect with Atlas:
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Twitch - &
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