I have a lot to put out to the world in the next few months, (original music wise) and decided to start the summer off with a little 'rebranding'. After 10 episodes over the past year and a half, TRANCEplease will no longer be the name of my podcast.
Trance, and Progressive music in general- has been a major part of my life for over 15 years. That is not, nor will ever change. More so, embracing computers and technology to make music, hasn't just been a part of my life…it is my life.
It would be very Hipster-esqe of me to pop off about "Dance'(I refuse to use the dirty E acronym, or whatever you call it) music charging it's way into the mainstream, and those aforementioned 15 years. Honestly, for me as a DJ and Producer, I see it as an opportunity to reach a wider audience, and have met some very special people over the past 5 years, who share the same love and passion for the music in general, as I do. That is a good thing, not something to stick my nose up at, and people that do, are honestly the worst, even if they do have the history and the 'right'.
Unfortunately though- As with anything that becomes over saturated;sometimes it is difficult to navigate through all of the "white noise", and anything that's too concentrated…always gets watered down.
You might not be able to turn on your TV, radio, or smartphone and be smacked in the face with 4 on the Floor and an over compressed SawTooth synth line; but for some of us-when the light shows go off, and you don't march to the beat of your twitter feed-All that's left is the music…and that's all that matters. It's not about the 'scene', what BPM it's at, or what a top 100 list says.
Anyway, I'm still gonna be here, doing my thing, with the music that moves me, and honestly- You can call it whatever the hell you want. I just hold out hope that if you listen, it brings even a fraction of the positivity it infuses in my life.
Look out the next few weeks for Ep011, with a bit of a facelift.
In the meantime, Happy Summer!