In this episode our host, Principal Data Scientist Joanna McKenzie, talks to Lee Barnsdale and Emma Callinan of Public Health Scotland about the importance of data in tackling, and reducing, drug related deaths.
The Scottish Drugs Forum provides information, resources and e-learning. For more information visit:
To find a drug service near you, visit the Scottish Drug Services Directory:
We Are With You provides online support for alcohol, drugs and mental health:
For online support and drugs information for young people and parents, visit Know the Score:
For drug harm reduction information and resources, visit
Scottish Recovery Consortium
Details of mutual aid and recovery communities can be found via the Scottish Recovery Consortium:
Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs
If you are concerned about the effects of drug use in your home, and the impact this is having on you or other family members, Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs can help:
Visit NHS Inform: