In our second sit down with Doctor-in-Residence of Nuclear Medicine, Ian Alberts, we discuss relative risk and the data that is (and isn't) being looked at regarding the COVID-19 lockdowns. With a grounding in Physics and having begun his medical career in the British Royal Navy, including tours on nuclear submarines, Ian brings a unique perspective to the world. We have the pleasure of hearing his thoughts from a medical and scientific perspective on the COVID response.
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1:25 - Thinking about more testing
8:12 - How to be data-minded about the back of the napkin on Covid and Risk
11:58 - Who is most at risk?
17:50 - Radioactive medicine risk & other comparators
24:22 - "Health is not the absence of Disease"
28:00 - Did the lockdowns help?
32:02 - Which measures were most effective?
38:03 - UNICEF study of Ebola lockdown response and repercussions
42:22 - Touching on economics
44:00 - Which analyses we should focus on now
Comparative statistics outlining Covid-19's relative risk
Normal Risk:
UK Mortality by Age:,Results,in%2010%20over%2085%20years.
Putting the risk of Covid-19 into perspective:
Mobility data:
Hospital Patients to Nursing Homes:
UNICEF Comparative Study: Please like, subscribe, comment, and share if you liked what you saw! We will be continuing to interview leaders and experts across a multitude of industries and geographies with the same questions in mind: what is the data that you trust and why. So, if you are interested in analytics, data literacy, and data-supported decision making then please consider subscribing.
Thanks and see you again next month!