Jared Jablonski, the Fire Information Officer with BLM, literally grew up at the BLM offices with his dad running bulldozers and is now with the Fire Information Office and is the lead with providing education and information to the public.
Did you know that twenty percent of Idaho fires are caused by vehicles? Here are some tips of what you can do to prevent forest fires:
-Check your tires. proper tread so if it blows, cause sparks.
-Trailers: secure the trailer chains - don't let them drag!
-General vehicle maintenance. Make sure you have enough coolant & oil.
-Pull off in low or no vegetation areas due to the undercarriage of motorized vehicles can easily start fires.
-Stay on established trails and roads.
You will also learn when shooting on BLM land what is and is NOT legal on BLM and Public Lands. Also, learn about what kind of fires you can and cannot have while camping at a campground and/or while out on public lands.
Go to idahofireinfo.com