Ep 124 - For a long time I understood that binging anything was a bad thing. Indulging a short period devoted to an activity to excess, whether it be eating or drinking, can be harmful if done on a frequent basis. But times have changed. The word "binge" has taken on a new meaning with the ridiculous amount of content for us to consume, virtually everywhere.
After nearly a year of podcasting solo I invited entrepreneur, business coach, and host of the Successfully Screwed Podcast, Sara Rosenberg, for a late night chat on the mic. We share our history of the word "binge" and the good and bad of what we indulge in today. Is it good? Is it bad? Well, it all depends.
LISTEN and FOLLOW Sara and her co-host Ashley Owen on their Successfully Screwed Podcast. The podcast takes a different approach to kicking you in the pants in an attempt to motivate you to hang in there and keep grinding as an entrepreneur! https://www.successfullyscrewedpodcast.com
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