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By John Harrell
1717 ratings
The podcast currently has 1,343 episodes available.
Do what's right, always. Don't stay quiet when you witness injustice. Speak up!
It is normal to feel uncomfortable when you are placed in a position of leadership. Here are a few tips to help you lead others well.
If you believe social media, then you might think civil discourse is dead. I see things differently.
Let's not sit idly by while our world burns. It's time to take a stand for what is right and to stand against what is evil.
People are at each other's throats over everything it seems. Sometimes it's justified to get angry. When it isn't, in today's episode I share a solution with you to get rid of unjustified anger.
In the culture of today, we have taken a "my way or the highway" approach. This is a recipe for disaster for trying to get along with our fellow man.
Social media is like a circus sometimes. Let's use it for good. People are struggling like I have never seen them.
Everyone has a hole in their heart that can't be permanently filled by money or status.
Being referred to as charismatic is quite the compliment. In today's episode, I share the secret with you of how to be known as charismatic. Have a listen.
Are you aware of how strong the Word of God is? The Bible has the power to transform ordinary lives into extraordinary ones.
The podcast currently has 1,343 episodes available.