segment 1, Most Disruptive — Wifi Security (0:00): In our new show format, Deron & Eric start out the show by comparing their takes on which tech headlines from the last week will have the biggest impact… ON HUMANITY!!! New HQ trivia app from Vine founders? Dangerous flaw in Wi-Fi security standards?segment 2, Juris Prudent — Graffiti Artists’ Rights (18:20): A New York court case about ownership, art, landmarks, and culture.segment 3, D.O.O.O.o.M.E.D. — Fresh Water Run-off (25:52): A chemical breakthrough in the process of desalinization could mean increased efficiency and reduced cost.segment 4, Let’s Dig Some More. — CA Allows Driverless Testing (36:59): The Russians are even using our video games to manipulate America? Would you eat human flesh if it’s grown in the lab? Police on hooverbikes(!) in Dubai. You might see test cars on the streets of California — sans drivers.segment 5, Always in Motion Is The Future — Techpocalypse (51:30): Will humans destroy themselves with their own technology? Runaway artificial intelligence? Nuclear war? Tiny nanobots reducing us to goo? We evaluate a DigitalTrends article predicting six ways humanity might end.Tweet @DigitalDeron or @efader with your opinions, or give us a call and leave a voice message at 323.686.8255.