Faculty Member: Diana Shepherd, CDFA™, Editorial Director and Co-Founder of Divorce Magazine
Facilitator: Dan Couvrette, CEO and co-founder of Divorce Magazine and Family Lawyer Magazine
Every divorce is different, with legal, financial, and/or parenting issues unique to the individuals whose relationship has broken down. However, every divorce undergoes a similar journey from initiation to closure; whether you make this journey towards separate lives expensively or inexpensively, slowly or quickly, with conflict or kindness is up to you. Here’s an overview of how the divorce process generally works in the United States and Canada; you’ll need to speak to a family lawyer to discover how the process might vary in your state or province, as well as how the details and circumstances of your situation may affect your own process.
This session will:
explain the differences between using litigation, arbitration, mediation, collaborative divorce, and do-it-yourself (sometimes known as “pro se” or self-representation) to resolve your divorce-related issues
discuss how the process begins: by filing a petition, application, or complaint about divorce with your local family court
detail what information should you collect for your lawyer and financial advisor
define temporary orders or agreements, which establish quick decisions about your children, property, bank accounts, support, and other key issues during the separation period
describe the difference between contested and uncontested divorces
examine the main issues couples will have to resolve during their divorce
reveal how soon a divorce can take place after filing the divorce petition.
The Divorce School - www.TheDivorceSchool.com