Mike Ladd and Remi Rough guess answers to each others firsts, worsts & thirsts for our DOD45 Show bonus content episode of "The Dish".
The Dead Can Rap Dish questions below:
What's the first liquid that Mike drinks in a day?
What was Remi’s First paying job?
Who was the first celebrity Mike met?
Who was Remi’s First celebrity crush?
What was the first movie that really scared Mike?
What was the first movie that Remi cried from?
What was the first thing Mike bought on credit?
What was Remi’s very first writing moniker?
What was Mike's first proper studio album?
What was the name of Remi’s First girlfriend?
What will Mike say is the worst Halloween candy?
What will Remi say is the Worst insect?
What does Mike think is the worst sound?
What city did Remi have his worst experience ever?
Who's the worst flavor to Mike?
What is Remi’s worst fear?
What will Mike say is the worst movie ever made?
What does Remi think the worst word is?
Who will Mike say is the worst hair band from the 80s?
What will Remi say is the worst brand of spray paint?
What's Remi’s favorite tv sitcom from the 80s or 90s?
What's Mike’s favorite thing about America?
Who is Remi’s favorite artist of all time?
What is Mike’s favorite source of transportation?
What is Remi’s favorite holiday?
What is Mike's favorite sound?
What's Remi’s favorite cartoon of all time?
What is Mike’s favorite city or town in the world?
What is Remi’s Favorite cereal?
Who is Mike's favorite comedian?
The DOD45 Show
(Drawing Over Discussions 45 minutes with Gel Roc)
Host - Tai Taeoalii (https://www.instagram.com/artbytai/)
Guest - The Dead Can Rap (https://www.instagram.com/thedeadcanrap/
Moderator - Adrienne Taeoalii (https://www.instagram.com/801_ade/)
DOD45 Theme Music - Mr. Dibbs (https://www.instagram.com/mrfuckingdibbs/)
The Dish Theme Music - Buddy Peace (https://www.instagram.com/BuddyPeace/)
Background Music - Brett Fullerton (https://www.instagram.com/brett_fullerton_/)
Sage's Social Media Lurk Host - Sage Francis (https://www.instagram.com/sagefrancissfr/)
Mayo or Miracle Whip Host - Mr. Dibbs
Announcer - Awol One (https://www.instagram.com/awolone/)
Sage's Social Media Lurk Theme Music - DJ Zole (https://www.instagram.com/djzole/)
Last Word Host - Blackliq (https://www.instagram.com/blackliq/)
Guest Song Share Affiliate - Ceschi (https://www.instagram.com/ceschiramos/)
Producers - Adrienne Taeoalii
and Tai Taeoalii
Thanx to our partners:
Strange Famous Records - https://www.strangefamousrecords.com
UGSMAG - https://ugsmag.com
Hab Sauce - http://habsauces.com
Brim of the World - https://botworldincshop.com
Speakerface - https://www.speakerface.store
Handsmade Collective - https://handsmade.xyz
Sk8 Liborius - https://sk8liborius.com
Grow Haven - https://www.instagram.com/growhaven/
Ol' Blue Gallery - https://olbluegng.com
ArtByTai - https://artbytai.com
Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/artbytai/support