In this episode of the Duke Law Podcast, Andrew Willinger, executive director of the Duke Center for Firearms Law, discusses 'United States v. Rahimi' – the first major Second Amendment case to be heard by the Court since its landmark ruling in 'New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen last summer' – leading up to the Supreme Court hearing oral argument on November 7.
The 'Rahimi' case has garnered national attention from gun rights advocates and Second Amendment scholars, as well as the general public, as it could potentially be the Court’s first opportunity to clarify certain aspects of its 'Bruen' test that have since divided lower-court judges. The Court’s decision in Rahimi may indicate how broad of an impact 'Bruen' will have in the years to come. 3L Sydney Colopy, a research assistant at the Center for Firearms Law, is the guest host. [Link to transcript forthcoming]