Back again with the podcast with Jane. Jane is South Korean American who moved to the States at the age of 4. Me and Jane are friends when she travelled to Vietnam for 2 years and lived there as an Expat English teacher. Jane and me talked about travelling experiences, imposter syndrome with life milestones, friendships, struggles,...
Below is the timeline for you guys:
00-10:29: travelling experiences, feeling out of place, from cocktails vegas girl to a more conscious person
10:29: reflecting on our friendship
18:08: debunking the expectation of must doing certain things at a certain ages
26:25: how travelling affects the ego
31:00: reflecting on the younger Jane
40:00: what does a “successful life” mean to you?
44:30: advice for your younger-self
49:00: the reason I do this podcast
52:00: how to trust yourself & deal with the unknown
1:00:00: Jane’s views on discipline, laziness, struggles
1:14:30 : how to keep yourself grounded
1:17:00: what is the most important thing in a person
1:21:00: Jane’s views on social media