On Episode 111 of The Edge of Innovation, we're continuing our conversation with inventor Falk Wolsky! This time we're talking about why it's important to stay curious as an innovator!
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Watch This Episode of The Edge of Innovation on Our YouTube Channel Here: https://youtu.be/sRBAGNu_3OQ
About Falk Wolsky: http://business-inventor.com
Find Falk Wolsky on Twitter Here: https://twitter.com/Falk_Wolsky
Find Falk Wolsky on LinkedIn Here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/falkwolsky
GK Software where Falk Wolsky is Head of Innovation: https://www.gk-software.com/en
Innogate Tech where Falk Wolsky is Chief Innovation Officer: https://innogate-tech.com/our-company
Falk Wolsky works for energy companies like DTEK, to digitalize their Business, resulting in lower CO2 emissions and better customer relations: https://dtek.com/en/media-center/press/dtek-to-invest-uah-350-million-in-the-digital-transformation-of-its-business-in-2019
"Ghost in the Shell" by Masamune Shirow - Future Predictions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_in_the_Shell
The Brothers Strugatski: https://www.amazon.com/Arkadi-Strugatzki/e/B00B72DQCY?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_5&qid=1578489078&sr=1-5
The Godfather of Scientific Fantasy: Stanislav Lem: https://www.amazon.com/Stanislaw-Lem/e/B000AQ3P7Y?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1578489424&sr=1-1
"Understanding the API-First Approach to Building Products"- A basic principle to digitalize products: https://swagger.io/resources/articles/adopting-an-api-first-approach
"The Lernstift Smartpen Checks Your Spelling As You Write" - Falk Wolsky's Smartpen Invention: https://edition.cnn.com/2013/07/19/tech/innovation/spellcheck-lernstift-pen/index.html
Twingz - YouTube 2010 Promo Video for Falk Wolsky's Startup, the Tweeting Coffee Maker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpNrs-tJcoM
Twingz - YouTube 2016 Promo Video for Falk Wolsky's Startup, the Tweeting Coffee Maker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_7IUxSYQgQ
"Massive ‘Betelgeuse’ Star in Orion Constellation Due for Explosive Supernova": https://nypost.com/2019/12/26/massive-betelgeuse-star-in-orion-constellation-due-for-explosive-supernova
"3 Keys To A Successful API Strategy": https://www.forbes.com/sites/falonfatemi/2019/04/30/3-keys-to-a-successful-api-strategy/#4a4680d978ee
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