This episode we explore augmented reality (AR) and how it stacks up against SAMR, AGES and the 5 EdTech principles. We also discover how AR can flip the switch and light up reluctant learners.
To help us we have a highly credentialed and special guest, Brad Waid.
Brad is one of the leading experts on AR in the classroom, and his bio underlines the credibility that he brings to any conversation on AR:
Global Influencer, International Keynote Speaker, Visionary, Futurist and Author specializing in AR/VR/XR, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Brad has been recognized as the #14 Influencer, World-wide, in Augmented Reality by Onalytica. He is ranked as one of the top 20 Global Futurist & Keynote Speakers by TAFFD, he is an industry thought leader in Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0 and has also been awarded, by the National School Board Association, as one of the “20 to Watch”. Brad’s knowledge of emerging technology and his passion to inspire change, makes him a highly sought after speaker who makes an impact where ever he goes. In addition to speaking around the world, Brad, works with and consults in Industry, Education and Governments.
Brad's key links are:
Twitter: @Techbradwaid
App Store:
Google Play:
Article: How augmented reality affects the brain by Heather Andrew
This podcast also exists as a video on Youtube, and more importantly, as a 'hybrid' podcast-course on the Ignite EdTech Learning Platform. On this learning platform we can do so much more, including the adding of extra learning resources (such as the SAMR and AGES models), downloadable guides and connecting with a social learning community.
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