The Marines just had their 245th birthday, and the next day, for Veteran's Day, I dropped this podcast of Liz Fixsen's. She's a former Marine, and Air Force vet that has a lot of cool stories.
She joined the Marines, on a whim, when she was 24. In boot camp, she was a tad older than some of her drill instructors. She has some cool stories about that.
She switched it up and went into the Air Force after 6 years where she did intel for the 442nd Fighter wing a.k.a. A-10 Thunderbolt "Warthog". She has cool stories about that.
She was an Air Traffic Controller too. Also, she has cool stories about that. I also learned more about the little airport in Beloit, Kansas, than I ever thought I would. Did you know that a C-130 Hercules can't land at the Beloit airfield? Neither did I. She tells why in the podcast.
Give it a listen, you won't be disappointed.