FAQs about The Emotional Reconnect:How many episodes does The Emotional Reconnect have?The podcast currently has 7 episodes available.
January 27, 2021Forms of CommunicationWords, energy, behavior, body language, silence, and touch are different forms of communicating. The most developed version we use seems to be words and yet it can be the most unreliable....more1hPlay
January 12, 2021Validating FeelingsAll feelings are valid, but some are irrational. Join Anna and Steph as they discuss the details of understanding the difference between rational and irrational feelings....more40minPlay
December 28, 2020Attachment StylesAnna & Steph explore their personal attachment styles and identify skills that have helped them navigate and create healthy relationships....more42minPlay
December 22, 2020Get to Know Anna and StephThe Emotional Reconnect Trailer where Anna and Steph talk about their backgrounds and how this podcast came to be....more15minPlay
December 15, 2020Relationship KillersDuring episode 3 we discuss relationship killers. These are actions people take in relationships that don't allow for healthy connection. We share our personal experience engaging in these behaviors, and how we are working to heal the underlying reasons......more41minPlay
December 01, 2020Leveling UpContinuing on our theme from Episode 1, we explore our personal experiences of leveling up emotionally and how our emotional journey has impacted our relationship with ourselves and others. We still have levels to achieve, but we're excited to share......more44minPlay
November 24, 2020BoundariesExploring boundaries within ourselves and our relationships. Unpacking the quote:"You are allowed to have a reaction to someone's boundary. You are allowed to feel rejected. You are allowed to ask questions to better understand someone's boundary." -......more42minPlay
FAQs about The Emotional Reconnect:How many episodes does The Emotional Reconnect have?The podcast currently has 7 episodes available.