This week on the show, Pam will be interviewing, Feng-Shui Expert and interior home designer, Alejandra Brady. This special guest, is an award winning Author, Energy Catalyst, and Spiritual Awakener.
She uses her knowledge of feng-shui to transform not only home environments, but also internal environments so that spiritual gifts can be honored and used in the world.
Alejandra will be sharing her award winning book, titled, " You can't make this sh!t up". Who is she, and why is she so excited to share her spiritual journey? This special guest, had her first experience of visitation from someone on the other side of the veil, when she was 16 years old.
Years later, Alejandra was at a turning point, which brought her Feng-Shui Master to teach her and help her open up to her spiritual gifts.
We will be taking your LIVE CALLS- 1-800-930-2819
** Are you at a turning point? In need of spiritual guidance? Just want to be heard?**