A limiting belief is a feeling of certainty about what something means. Limiting beliefs are the stories we tell ourselves about who we are that hold us back from becoming who we are meant to be.
Some beliefs we acquired or downloaded into our subconscious when we were children as many of our beliefs about ourselves are formed by the age of seven. This can be conditioning from parents, family, culture, or society.
Other ways we develop beliefs are from defining moments or events in our lives that carry significant emotional value for us.
What we repeat, we don’t repair. What we don’t heal will continue to hold us back.
As an NLP Master Practitioner, I work with many transformational processes in my coaching program that will save you a decade of therapy and the tens of thousands of dollars that go with it.
It opens the door between your conscious and subconscious minds and allows you to peel back the layers of what you don’t want so that you can get to what you do want and live your life moving forward from that place. Head over to my Instagram page @the_empowerment_code and let me know in the static post of this podcast, your key take always ♥️🌈