In the year 1900, the average human lifespan in the West was 40 years. Today we expect to live 80 years or more. In this episode, J. Todd Billings and guest, Ephraim Radner (A Time to Keep, 2017), discuss how our perceived control over our mortality shapes our understanding of who God is and what we think it means to live a faithful life. Will the recognition that we are ‘like grass which fades and blows away’ (Is 40:6) lead us to despair? Or, like the biblical witness, can it reorder our values to claim, “But, the word of the Lord endures forever” (vs 8)?
The End of the Christian Life is available now with all book distributors. J. Todd Billings is the Gordon H. Girod Research Professor of Reformed Theology at Western Theological Seminary. For more information, visit: or find him on Twitter: @jtoddbillings