Welcome back to SEASON 2 of The Endo Chats Podcast! For this episode, we are talking all things endometriosis with Dom and Helene from The Spoonie Society. In October 2020 they decided to create a business @thespooniesocietyau that supports others with a chronic illness in taking back control of their lives with products such as symptom trackers, life-changing wrap around heat packs and, most recently, a colouring book that celebrates inclusivity. They've created a multimillion-dollar business, outgrown multiple warehouses, employed other people with chronic illnesses and become great advocates for the endometriosis community all while facing their own setbacks. On this episode we talk about:
• Dom and Helene's journey to diagnosis and the outcomes of their most recent surgeries
• How The Spoonie Society was created and how it has grown
• What is a 'Spoonie'?
• Ketamine fusions and egg freezing • Endo and finances
and much, much more!
If you'd like to get your hands on one of their famous heat packs and see more of the girls you can head over to their Instagram @thespooniesocetyau. For the release of this season, I have teamed up with the girls to giveaway one limited edition heat pack in a print that has never been used before so head over to the Instagram @theendochatspodcast to find out how you can enter! It only lasts for 7 days so make sure you get in quick!
Don't forget to head on over to our website www.theendochatspodcast.com.au for blog posts and more resources! If you enjoyed the episode please leave us a review on Apple podcasts or follow us over on Spotify, it really does mean a lot!