FAQs about The Endurance Project:How many episodes does The Endurance Project have?The podcast currently has 14 episodes available.
February 18, 2020Aerobic Deficiency SyndromeToday I discuss ADS and how it’s either 1.) keeping you from reaching your potential, or 2.) how it’s causing premature burnout/injury...more32minPlay
February 10, 2020The ProcessToo often an athlete gets too wrapped up in the end goal, rather than the process. Embrace the process....more25minPlay
January 30, 2020Hyrox Chicago Recap and Improving Work CapacityTalking about Hyrox Chicago, how to improve work capacity and work more on weaknesses...more30minPlay
January 23, 2020Hyrox Chicago Predictions and How to Train for ItToday I discuss Hyrox Chicago predictions, how to train for the event, as well as a mention about the new coaches who’ve joined the Endurance Project!...more36minPlay
January 13, 2020Training vs. ExercisingAre you training, or just exercising? There is a difference!...more24minPlay
January 11, 2020Diet and CadenceAs per requests, I talk a bit about diet and running cadence in this one...more53minPlay
January 04, 2020Work CapacityToday I discuss what work capacity is and how to implement into your training....more23minPlay
December 27, 2019How To Improve Your Efficiency and EconomyUnderstanding the types of training and yet physiological adaptations of each....more31minPlay
December 13, 2019General Adaptation Syndrome and the Bannister Fitness Fatigue ModelDiscussing how to understand use the GAS and BFFM models...more22minPlay
December 07, 2019Hyrox and Tire PullingToday I discuss the new Hyrox event and the benefits of tire pulling...more44minPlay
FAQs about The Endurance Project:How many episodes does The Endurance Project have?The podcast currently has 14 episodes available.