EnerNex host Steve Rupp interviews Girish Balachandran, CEO, Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE) to discuss the evolution of California's electric utility business models. Silicon Valley Clean Energy is one of the most successful new utility business models to emerge under California’s initiative to decarbonize, decentralize and digitize the utility sector. Serving more than 270,000 customers in 13 San Francisco Bay Area communities, SVCE is proving that the CCA model works and works well. With a growing customer base, competitive retail electric rates, and increasing financial reserves, SVCE is by all measures a success. But like all energy service providers in California, an uncertain regulatory, environmental and political landscape requires CCA leadership to address a wide range of challenges and opportunities including energy storage, distributed generation, grid resiliency, cybersecurity, procuring renewable energy supplies and managing the evolving role of distribution system operators. Silicon Valley Clean Energy, under the leadership of public power veteran Girish Balachandran, is a leader in innovative customer energy programs, electrification and decarbonization. He joins The Energy Exchange to share his views on why CCA’s are succeeding and how they plan to thrive in a future filled with challenges and uncertainty.