As the title says, Paul and Rory discuss 10 common idols related to food.
They are listed below, but listen to the episode and improve your English. Go on. I'd love it :)
Here they are:
“a couch potato”
a lazy or inactive person, usually spends a lot of time watching TV
Ex: My roommate is a total couch potato. She’s always watching Netflix in the lounge room and doesn't exercise.
“a bad apple”
a bad person in a group, someone who invites trouble or is a bad influence
Ex: Not all the police are bad, but there’s always a few bad apples.
“in a pickle”
in trouble, or to have a difficult decision
Ex: I’m in a pickle. I have to find a new place to live by Friday but my lease ends on Wednesday.
“the icing on the cake”
something good that happens on top of a situation thats already good OR something bad that happens on top of a bad situation
Ex: We had already caught so many fish that day, then when we caught the swordfish, that was just the icing on the cake!
“to bring home the bacon”
to earn an income, to contribute money to the household
Ex: In my house, I bring home the bacon and my husband takes care of the dogs and the chores
“to go nuts/bananas”
to lose control, either because someone is extremely angry or extremely excited.
Ex: When Beyonce came out onstage, the crowd went nuts!
“the apple of one’s eye”
someone’s favourite person, someone especially loved.
Ex: Growing up, I was the apple of my father’s eye. Everything I did was perfect to him.
“to spill the beans”
to reveal information thats usually secret, confidential or personal.
Ex: I didn’t know why Sam and Sara had broken up, but then her sister spilled the beans and told me everything!
“in a nutshell”
to summarise, in conclusion, simply put.
Ex: Sam liked to spend the weekends relaxing. Sara liked to go out and party. In a nutshell, they just weren’t compatible and broke up.
“a hard nut to crack”
a problem that is difficult to solve OR a person that is difficult to understand
Ex: My grandmother dislikes every new person she meets. She can be a hard nut to crack.
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