Are you a caregiver for your parents? Or, perhaps that season is approaching but not quite here? Maybe you are the parent and wondering how you can best help your child(ren) prepare.
Judy Burkle is bringing us a conversation that is a first for The Even While Podcast.
Since 1999, Judy has worked with thousands of caregivers in their homes, hospice, nursing homes, assisted living centers, and hospitals. As a clinical social worker and one who also cared for both of her parents, Judy knows the difficult journey and
You are going to want to listen in if:
*you are a caregiver *your parents are nearing the caregiving age *you are getting older and want to help your children prepare for when you need care *you have a friend who could benefit from this podcast
In this episode, you will discover ways to:
*prepare for a caregiving season before it starts *set a healthy culture *prevent burnout *have difficult conversations with family/siblings
Connect with Judy Burkle:
PACT Academy
Book: Four Things That Matter Most by Ira Byock
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