No matter what kind of business you have overseas, a large portion of it is most likely based in the internet. It's always a good time to make sure you are legally protected from lawsuits and that you have a solid exit strategy in place for that website. Whether you're just getting started, or you've been in business for a while, start considering your potential liabilities and take steps to make sure your company has the best strategies in place for the future. Richard has been in the business for over 25 years with a depth of knowledge from a legal and experiential standpoint. The various issues he has encountered with digital non-compliance, liabilities, and poor exit strategies, have proved to him exactly what situations need the most attention. The knowledge I have gleaned from Richard, even just in this interview, has proved to be so valuable! Here are just a few of the topics that we discussed in our interview: How to develop the right Privacy Policy for your company At what point you should begin developing an exit strategy and why that matters How the ability to freely gather valuable information is changing, and what a divided global web means for the future of your company How to appropriately deal with cross-border transactions and the various laws of each country If you'd like to learn more about Richard Chapo and his knowledge as the SoCal Internet Lawyer, you can visit his website here: Episode Sponsor: If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment and leave a review on iTunes, Stitcher or Google Play: iTunes: Stitcher: Google Play: Have a great week, and I'll see you next Wednesday!